Ordinance 2022-0180: Documents

One page summary

Check out our one page summary, which makes the case for the amendment’s approval.

Council staff report

Download the nonpartisan staff report, which takes no position on the merits of the amendment:

Zoltan Hajnal's commentary

Read the case for even-year elections from a leading national expert on election timing. A professor of political science at UC San Diego's School of Global Policy and Strategy, Zoltan Hajnal teaches courses including Policy Analysis and Public Welfare.

Ballot mockups

These mockups project what future ballots may look like. Original ballots are included for comparative purposes.

Voter response rates since 2014, plotted

This chart visually demonstrates that even year downballot items get more response than top of the ticket items in odd years.

Coalition for Even-Year Elections

The Coalition is an alliance of voting justice organizations that support moving local elections in the Pacific Northwest and beyond to even-numbered years, when data shows voter turnout is much higher and more diverse. Experience has demonstrated that adopting even-year elections for localities does more for turnout than any other possible voting reform. It's also extremely popular with voters. Any organization that shares our principles is welcome to join us.